Change on the comment system

I changed the blog comment system. Now powered by IntenseDebate.

Disqus was giving a lot of headaches. The comments were appearing on all the pages, mixed comments between articles, and they were supposed to be separated by article.


It just took 2 minutes to test the new commenting site, less than writing this article, and it works great.

Here is the code on the Pelican template to show or hide the comments.

var idcomments_acct = '{{INTENSEDEBATE_ACCOUNT}}';
var idcomments_post_id = '{{ article.slug }}';
var idcomments_post_url;
<span id="IDCommentsPostTitle" style="display:none"></span>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
{% endif %}


We have lost the previous comments, but we won a new commenting system that really works.

Keep commenting all the articles!!!

Not bad